Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich
By Napoleon Hill
In 1908, Napoleon Hill met Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest men of his time. At their first meeting, Mr. Carnegie told Napoleon how he attained wealth, in a quiet unassuming way to see if Napoleon Hill would grasp the meaning and significance of what was being given to him. Hill comprehended immediately. This began a long friendship and collaboration between the two men.
Eventually, Andrew Carnegie asked Hill if he would be willing to compile the world’s first philosophy of achievement by writing a book about how the world’s wealthiest people achieved their riches. Andrew Carnegie wanted this information available to every person willing to take on the task of learning and becoming wealthy. Napoleon Hill’s consent began his 25-year odyssey as he interviewed over 500 famous self-made millionaires to write Think and Grow Rich. First published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich has sold over 60 million copies and is still in print. It is considered “the standard against which all other motivational books are measured.”
Think and Grow Rich consists of Thirteen Steps to Financial Success. Each step thoroughly explained using examples, testimonials and lessons. This is not a read and think about it book. It is a read, study, do the lessons, visualize and realize actual physical results book. As Napoleon states in Step 1:
“Desire is the turning point of all achievement. It is the first step toward riches. Intensify Desire daily and remain ready until Desire is fulfilled.”
In Step 6, Hill explains that
“Organized planning is the crystallization of Desire into Action.”
Step 10 instructs on the “Mystery of Sex Transmutation.” Here, Hill discusses how the energy and power behind a strong sexual drive can be the same impetus in its positive stage that causes men to reach great heights of success personally and financially. But, used negatively can destroy man’s drive to create and achieve.
Chapter 2 contains a self-confidence formula and 30-minute lesson following these guidelines:
“Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches.
“Temporary Defeat is not Permanent Failure.” And that a
“Lack of Persistence is one of the major causes of failure. Lack of Persistence is a weakness, which may be overcome by effort. It depends solely upon the intensity of one’s desire. With Persistence You Will Win.”
Later Hill determines that:
“Power is essential for success.”
Not political power or the power of authority. All lessons in Think and Grow Rich return one to the inner person and the power and ability within.
“Plans are useless and inert without power to translate them into action.”
So what is real power? “Power is organized and intelligently directed knowledge.” Or, stated in the reverse: “Knowledge organized into Definite Plans expressed through action = Power.”
What benefit might there be from reading Think and Grow Rich or any other self-help, motivational material? One answer might be as Napoleon Hill points out:
“Poverty needs no plan. It needs no one to aid it, because it is bold and ruthless. Riches are shy and timid. They have to be ‘attracted.’”
As a post script:
In 1991, Dennis Kimbro posthumously published,
Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice.
Labels: book, carnegie, financial success, grow, millionaires, napoleon hill, rich, self-help, think
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